They are the most powerful part of the plant. They are distilled from shrubs, flowers, trees, roots, bushes, fruit, rinds, resins, and herbs.

In humans, they provide support for every system in the body; your skeletal system, your muscular system, circulatory system, endocrine system and your hormones, respiratory system, and immune system. They support brain health and healthy weight. They are used extensively for emotions and for spiritual support in your prayer life. An oil in a diffuser can soothe a child’s tough day at school and provide a calming effect when you’ve had a stressful day at work. Oils can be used as an alternative to toxic cleaning chemicals in the home. You can literally start swapping out every single chemical cleaning toxin in your home to live a purer lifestyle, and you can do it without breaking the bank, saving loads of money over time.

How are essential oils used?

Essential oils are most often used 3 ways:

  1. Topically

  2. Aromatically

  3. Ingesting



Applying oils topically to your skin is one of the easiest ways to get these wonderful oils to work in your body. And this simply means rubbing the oils onto your skin. When applied topically, oils are found at work in the bloodstream in 26 seconds! Some of the best places to apply oils is the bottoms of your feet, spine, chest, behind ears, and wrists/forearms. Also, just think about where you know you need the oils and apply…it’s very simple.



One of the quickest ways to experience the effects of oils is aromatically, or simply breathing them in. When inhaled, oil molecules reach the brain, heart, liver, and thyroid in 3 seconds. How’s that for instant gratification?! When used aromatically, oils can affect our moods, clean the air, and create an environment of health, relaxation,focus, and happiness.

A few ways to use aromatically:

  1. Using a diffuser

  2. A drop rubbed in palms and inhaled.

  3. In a bowl of hot water, breathed in.

  4. Diffuser jewelry or garments with oils applied to them.



Young Living has a line of essential oils labeled Vitality that are safe for ingestion. There are so many benefits to ingesting essential oils, and you should definitely ask questions if you have them so you can reap all the benefits!

Ways to ingest:

  1. A drop under the tongue

  2. In a beverage.

  3. Cooking with oils

  4. In a capsule